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Lab Tests 241

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The breast milk donor test panel checks blood markers used to screen potential breast milk donors.


The C4 blood test measures the C4 complement blood level.


The CA-125 test measures the CA-125 blood level.


The CA 19-9 test measures the CA 19-9 blood level.

The cadmium testing panel checks cadmium blood and urine levels.


The calcium test measures the calcium blood level.


This Candida test measures the Candida albicans IgG antibody blood level.

The Cardio IQ ® test checks advanced lipid blood markers (similar to VAP and NMR LipoProfile).

The cat allergy test checks for cat dander IgE blood antibodies.

The cat & dog dander allergy test panel measures cat & dog dander IgE antibodies blood levels.


The CBC test panel checks the complete blood count with differential and platelets.


The CDT test measures the carbohydrate-deficient transferrin (CDT) blood level.


The CEA test measures the CEA blood level. This CEA lab test evaluates the level of carcinoembryonic antigen.

The celiac disease test panel checks blood markers related to celiac disease.

The ceruloplasmin test measures the ceruloplasmin blood level.

The chlamydia & gonorrhea test panel checks for chlamydia & gonorrhea urine infections.

The chlamydia test checks for a Chlamydia trachomatis urine infection.

The chromium blood test checks the chromium blood level.

The CMP blood test measures the comprehensive metabolic panel in the blood.


This CMV test measures CMV IgG and IgM antibody blood levels to help screen for a cytomegalovirus infection.

The breast milk donor test panel checks blood markers used to screen potential breast milk donors.

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The C4 blood test measures the C4 complement blood level.

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The CA-125 test measures the CA-125 blood level.

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The CA 19-9 test measures the CA 19-9 blood level.

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The cadmium testing panel checks cadmium blood and urine levels.

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The calcium test measures the calcium blood level.

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This Candida test measures the Candida albicans IgG antibody blood level.

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The Cardio IQ ® test checks advanced lipid blood markers (similar to VAP and NMR LipoProfile).

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The cat allergy test checks for cat dander IgE blood antibodies.

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The cat & dog dander allergy test panel measures cat & dog dander IgE antibodies blood levels.

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The CBC test panel checks the complete blood count with differential and platelets.

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The CDT test measures the carbohydrate-deficient transferrin (CDT) blood level.

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The CEA test measures the CEA blood level. This CEA lab test evaluates the level of carcinoembryonic antigen.

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The celiac disease test panel checks blood markers related to celiac disease.

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The ceruloplasmin test measures the ceruloplasmin blood level.

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The chlamydia & gonorrhea test panel checks for chlamydia & gonorrhea urine infections.

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The chlamydia test checks for a Chlamydia trachomatis urine infection.

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The chromium blood test checks the chromium blood level.

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The CMP blood test measures the comprehensive metabolic panel in the blood.

sample results


This CMV test measures CMV IgG and IgM antibody blood levels to help screen for a cytomegalovirus infection.

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