Our Guarantee

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We understand that getting lab testing can be a confusing process and that 100% price transparency in health care may sound too good to be true. And, if you are like us, you are probably looking for the small print. To eliminate any doubts, we view the following guarantees as necessary to have the right to serve you as a customer:

No Mystery Fees

All of our prices are guaranteed and you will not need to pay additional fees to get tested or for your results. Price transparency is a core principle of our service.

Customer Satisfaction

We pride ourselves in our drive to improve every day and feedback from our customers helps guide our efforts. If you are not 100% happy with our service, please tell us and we will do what we can to make things right.


We don't share information with third parties like insurance companies without your written permission and your credit card statement will not say anything about the types of tests you purchased.


Our customer service staff is happy to help you. Please contact us through support.accesalabs.com or call us at (888) 946-9522.

Thanks for thinking of us with your testing needs.

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