Order Your ALCAT Test Today

ALCAT Testing Information

You have just found the ALCAT test experts. We are a leading online testing portal and contracted with ALCAT Worldwide (based in Florida) to offer ALCAT testing nationwide.

We provide everything that you need to get an ALCAT food intolerance / sensitivity test. Our all-inclusive prices include your:

  • ALCAT test kit
  • blood draw by a team that comes to you
  • shipping to and test processing by ALCAT in Florida
  • an electronic copy of your results
  • and a consultation with a specialized ALCAT nutritionist
You do not need to go to a lab. We ship kits nationwide except to MA, MD, NJ, NY and RI. If you are looking for more traditional allergy tests, check out this food allergy test panel.

Please note that ALCAT tests must be ordered independently from the shopping cart.

ALCAT box image
What sets us apart:
  • 24/7 lab order processing
  • Same day testing available
  • No appointment necessary
  • Guaranteed prices
  • No insurance needed

Alcat Platinum Plus ($1,199.00)

The new and most comprehensive ALCAT panel, this panel tests 357 items.

Alcat Platinum Comprehensive ($949.00)

This Alcat panel includes over 320 different items.

Alcat Comprehensive Wellness 1 ($829.00)

This panel includes the 200 Food, 20 Food Additives & Colorings, 20 Molds & 10 Environmental Chemicals Panels.

Alcat Comprehensive Wellness 2 ($699.00)

This panel includes the 200 Food & 20 Food Additives & Colorings Panels.

Alcat Comprehensive Wellness 3 ($609.00)

This panel includes the 150 Food, 20 Food Additives & Colorings, 20 Molds & 10 Environmental Chemicals Panels.

Alcat 237 Food Panel ($699.00)

This panel includes the 200 Food Panel & 37 additional foods.

Alcat 200 Food Panel ($599.00)

This panel includes the 150 Food Panel & 50 additional foods.

Alcat 150 Food Panel ($499.00)

This panel includes the 100 Food Panel & 50 additional foods.

ALCAT Test - Get Started Today

What is the ALCAT test?
The ALCAT test is a blood test that measures food and other intolerances / sensitivities. Intolerances to food and food additives have been linked to digestive problems, migraines, joint and skin problems, ADD, and other medical conditions. The ALCAT Test measures your intolerances using a proprietary technology that measures how your white blood cells respond when exposed to different foods.
Why should I order my ALCAT test through Accesa Labs?
Since our inception, we have served tens of thousands of customers and have been offering an end-to-end ALCAT testing process for our customers. From having an ALCAT test kit shipped to you, helping to coordinate your blood draw, and delivering electronic results, our customer service team will stand by you to help you get your ALCAT testing done.
How does the ALCAT testing process work?
Accesa Labs clients can get their blood drawn for their ALCAT test at a place convenient to them. Getting your ALCAT test involves a few simple steps:
  1. Place your order online
  2. Receive a test kit in the mail*
  3. Get contacted to schedule your blood draw at your home or office (no lab visit)
  4. Get your blood drawn at your appointment
  5. Get an electronic copy of your results emailed to you in 10 business days
  6. Get your results packet mailed to you in 10 business days
*We do not ship kits to MA, MD, NJ, NY or RI.
Sounds great. How do I get tested?
You can register for your ALCAT test 24 hours a day on our secure website:

Please contact us if you have additional questions.