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Lab Tests 241

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The sickle cell test screens for sickle cell anemia in the blood. The sickle cell blood test is sometimes performed to meet NCAA requirements.

The STD early detection panel checks for common STDs and for HIV-1 RNA.


The STD test panel checks for common STDs in the blood and urine. This STD panel is ordered for general screening or in the setting of STD symptoms.


The free T3 test checks the T3 free blood level.


The total T3 test checks the total T3 blood level.


The T4 free test checks the free T4 blood level.


The T4 total test checks the total T4 blood level.


The Tdap titer checks for evidence of Tdap immunity in the blood.

The testosterone free & total test measures the testosterone total and free blood levels.

This testosterone test measures the total testosterone blood level.

The tetanus diphtheria titer measures the Td antibody blood levels to check for evidence of immunity tetanus and diphtheria.


The tetanus titer checks for tetanus antitoxoid antibodies in the blood to help assess tetanus immunity.

The thyroglobulin antibody test measures the thyroglobulin antibody blood level.


The TNF blood test checks the TNF-alpha (TNF-a) blood level.


The TPO test measures the thyroid peroxidase antibody blood level to help assess thyroid health.

The advanced TRT panel checks a wider range of markers to help people on TRT.


The TRT blood test panel checks lab tests related to testosterone replacement therapy (TRT).


The TSH test measures the TSH blood level. TSH, or thyroid-stimulating hormone, is an important screening marker for thyroid disease.

The tTG blood test panel measures the tTG IgA and IgG antibody blood levels.


The tTG IgA test measures the tTG IgA antibody blood level.

The sickle cell test screens for sickle cell anemia in the blood. The sickle cell blood test is sometimes performed to meet NCAA requirements.

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The STD early detection panel checks for common STDs and for HIV-1 RNA.

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The STD test panel checks for common STDs in the blood and urine. This STD panel is ordered for general screening or in the setting of STD symptoms.

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The free T3 test checks the T3 free blood level.

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The total T3 test checks the total T3 blood level.

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The T4 free test checks the free T4 blood level.

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The T4 total test checks the total T4 blood level.

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The Tdap titer checks for evidence of Tdap immunity in the blood.

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The testosterone free & total test measures the testosterone total and free blood levels.

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This testosterone test measures the total testosterone blood level.

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The tetanus diphtheria titer measures the Td antibody blood levels to check for evidence of immunity tetanus and diphtheria.

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The tetanus titer checks for tetanus antitoxoid antibodies in the blood to help assess tetanus immunity.

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The thyroglobulin antibody test measures the thyroglobulin antibody blood level.

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The TNF blood test checks the TNF-alpha (TNF-a) blood level.

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The TPO test measures the thyroid peroxidase antibody blood level to help assess thyroid health.

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The advanced TRT panel checks a wider range of markers to help people on TRT.

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The TRT blood test panel checks lab tests related to testosterone replacement therapy (TRT).

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The TSH test measures the TSH blood level. TSH, or thyroid-stimulating hormone, is an important screening marker for thyroid disease.

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The tTG blood test panel measures the tTG IgA and IgG antibody blood levels.

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The tTG IgA test measures the tTG IgA antibody blood level.

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