Oregano Allergy Test

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Oregano Allergy Test


The oregano allergy test measures the oregano IgE antibody blood level.

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Oregano Allergy Blood Test - More Information

This oregano allergy test, also known as an oregano allergy blood test and oregano IgE test, measures the oregano IgE antibody blood level.

To get an oregano allergy test near you, simply order online and get your blood drawn at the lab you selected. Once your oregano allergy lab results are ready, they will be available for download.

This oregano allergy blood test is less painful and has less side effects than historical allergy testing methods such as the skin prick test (SPT). In the skin prick, or scratch, test, serum containing oregano components are injected into the skin. If you are allergic to oregano, you will, unfortunately, have a mild allergic reaction and all of the symptoms that go with it. Instead, this allergy blood test can check for an oregano allergy without causing an allergic reaction, resulting in a much more comfortable lab testing experience through a simple blood draw.

What is the oregano allergy test?

This oregano allergy blood test measures the oregano IgE antibody blood level.

Why is the oregano IgE test important?

The oregano IgE blood test helps check for an allergy to oregano.

What type of specimen will I submit?

This Oregano Allergy Test is a blood test.

Do I need to fast to take this test?

Fasting is not necessary.

How long does it take to get test results?

It typically takes 4 business days or less.

Guaranteed Prices

Our Oregano Allergy Test price includes the following:

  • A doctor's lab order*
  • 24 / 7 order processing
  • Access to 1000+ labs

*Test requests are reviewed and, if appropriate, authorized by a physician.

How It Works

  • Step 1
    Order Online*

    Order your lab tests at guaranteed prices. No separate office visit required. No hidden fees.*

  • Step 2
    Visit Lab

    Get tested at a lab near me. No insurance needed.

  • Step 3
    Receive Results

    Get electronic results securely.